Bloomberg stock exchange symbols

By: invago Date: 19.06.2017

Bloomberg always have two codes for the same instruments. For example, for Apple, Bloomberg has AAPL US and AAPL UW. I am wondering what is the difference between these two codes? As far as I can tell, if the stock is a US one, there will always be a code of the form "xxxx US". So after working on the equity tech team for a year, now I have a much better understanding of it. Bloomberg has two types of identifiers, one called Bloomberg Exchange Ticker, one called Bloomberg Composite Ticker.

Composite is the pricing source concept mentioned by others. The Bloomberg Exchange Ticker is relatively simpler to understand - it just stands for a security on a particular exchange. So if you go to Bloomberg terminal and ask it to give prices last, bid, ask for a Bloomberg Exchange Ticker IBM UN for example , Bloomberg will give you the price only for that particular exchange NYSE.

The Bloomberg Composite Ticker will combine prices from all possible exchanges and gives you an aggregated feed.

bloomberg stock exchange symbols

Usually the composite ticker will end with country code: IBM US, AAPL US, 1 HK etc. The Bloomberg exchange ticker will end with Bloomberg allocated exchange code: IBM UN NYSE , AAPL UW NASDAQ etc.

market data - Difference between the two Bloomberg codes - Quantitative Finance Stack Exchange

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market data - Mapping symbols between tickers, Reuters RICs and Bloomberg tickers - Quantitative Finance Stack Exchange

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bloomberg stock exchange symbols

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Bloomberg Stock Doesn’t Exist; Here is Why | Investopedia

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