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By: SunWind Date: 23.05.2017
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Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce V: Designing Mechanisms and Systems, AAMAS Workshop, AMEC , Melbourne, Australia, July Peyman Faratin , David C. Parkes , Juan A.

The design of intelligent trading agents, mechanisms, and systems has received growingattentionin the agentsandmultiagentsystemscommunities in ane? Furthermore, new technologies and supporting business models are - sulting in a growing volume of open and horizontally integrated markets for trading of an increasingly diverse set of goods and services.

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However, growth of technologies for such markets requires innovative solutions to a diverseset of - isting and novel technical problems which we are only beginning to understand. Novelto agent-mediatedel- tronic commerce are considerations involving the computation substrates of the agents and the electronic institutions that supports, and trading, and also the human-agent interface involving issues of preference elicitation, representation, reasoningandtrust.

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Insum, agent-mediatedelectronictraderequiresprincipled design fromeconomicsandgametheory andincorporatesnovelcombinationsof theories from di? The collection of above-mentioned issues and challenges has crystallized into a new, consolidated agent research?

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Market Making and Technical Analysis. A Decommitment Strategy in a Competitive Multiagent Transportation Setting. NearOptimal Auctions Without Full Valuation Revelation.

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Choosing Samples to Compute HeuristicStrategy Nash Equilibrium. Improving Learning Performance by Applying Economic Knowledge. Handling Resource Use Oscillation in Multiagent Markets. Designing Mechanisms and Systems Automated Negotiation and Bundling of Information Goods.

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