Chinese internet companies listed in us

By: wadim77 Date: 02.07.2017
chinese internet companies listed in us

They are ranked according to their market capitalization, whenever possible we link to the English Version of their homepage. Market Cap is based on the stock prices of the 18th of August , for their current value click on the Stock Exchange Link.

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While currently most companies are listed either in the US NASDAQ and NYSE or on the Hong Kong Stock Market SEHK , it will be interesting to see if the Chinese Mainland stock market SSE can attract more investment in the future. Serkan Wednesday, 19 August Room - , Floor 20 Shaanxi Rd. Tencent Top 4 and their Flagship Product QQ.

chinese internet companies listed in us

China , Web , Tencent , Baidu , telecommunications , market , Investment. Write a comment Comments: Log in Log out Edit. To receive frequent updates from us, feel free to tell us your e-mail address:. China Distance Education Hold.

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