Ukforex wikipedia

By: Bakson Date: 14.07.2017
Felicia - Cherry Pink & Apple Blossom White (1983)

Foreign-exchange reserves also called Forex reserves are, in a strict sense, only the foreign-currency deposits held by national central banks and monetary authorities See List of countries by foreign-exchange reserves excluding gold. However, in popular usage and in the list below , it also includes gold reserves , special drawing rights SDRs and International Monetary Fund IMF reserve position because this total figure, which is usually more accurately termed as official reserves or international reserves or official international reserves , is more readily available.

These foreign-currency deposits are the financial assets of the central banks and monetary authorities that are held in different reserve currencies e.

Euro Zone Terms | OFX

Before the end of the gold standard , gold was the preferred reserve currency. Some nations are converting foreign-exchange reserves into sovereign wealth funds , which can rival foreign-exchange reserves in size.

The list below is mostly based on the latest available IMF data and includes both sovereign states and non-sovereign territories such as Hong Kong and Macau , which are under the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China. While most nations report in U. And since all the figures below are in U. IMF releases the quarterly data on the currency composition of official foreign exchange reserves.

The data are reported to the IMF on a voluntary and confidential basis. From Q4 , the data was expanded to include renminbi RMB. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For reserves excluding gold, see List of countries by foreign-exchange reserves excluding gold. State Administration of Foreign Exchange, China. Ministry of Finance Japan. Reserves of foreign exchange and gold".

Lists of countries by financial rankings. FDI received past FDI abroad GFI. Forex reserves Forex reserves ex. Tax rates Tax revenue Wage average minimum. Central bank interest rate Commercial bank prime lending rate.

Lists of countries by GDP rankings List of international rankings List of top international rankings by country Lists by country. Retrieved from " https: Lists of countries Lists of countries by economic indicator Foreign exchange reserves. Webarchive template wayback links Use dmy dates from August Navigation menu Personal tools Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in. Views Read Edit View history. Navigation Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikipedia store.

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OFX (company) - Wikipedia

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Republic of the Congo. October [5] [67] [] []. October [5] [67] [] [] []. April [67] []. Democratic Republic of the Congo. March [67] []. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Federated States of Micronesia.

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