Make money raising farm animals

By: tancik Date: 22.07.2017

Selling meat and dairy products usually requires that a farm be licensed and meet the requirements of its locale.

make money raising farm animals

If you are planning to farm for income, find out the requirements before buying the animals. Chickens are a terrific way to start raising animals on a small farm.

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They're hardy, easy to take care of and don't cost much in terms of setup. A small flock can easily produce enough eggs to meet all a family's egg requirements, and a flock of a few dozen can generate a nice little egg business.

How To Keep Livestock And Make Money - Hobby Farms

Hens eat food scraps and provide great compost for the garden. On the downside, they're a free chicken dinner for every predator out there, so you'll need to keep them safe and secure to prevent losses.

Raising Farm Animals for Profit - Sustainable Farming - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Honey bees are another great choice, especially if keeping bees appeals to bollinger bands excel example. Honey crops can be abundant, and you can harvest beeswax for lip make money raising farm animals, candles and other products.

Bees help pollinate your make money raising farm animals and your neighbor's. They cost a good bit to start up, and while they don't require a lot of hands-on care in terms of sheer hours, they do require timely care and attention, and the process takes a while to get the hang of.

make money raising farm animals

They're adaptable to poor pastures, and they produce one to three quarts of milk per day. If your family can't drink that much, you can make and sell cheese or feed the milk to other farm animals.

They require good pasture and protection from predators so they should be kept near the house. The milk of sheep is superior to goat's milk for making cheese. There are several breeds of sheep suitable for small farms.

The one that is right for depends on your plans for the sheep. Like chickens, turkeys are pretty easy keeping. They can be a bit difficult to raise from poults, but once they are established, they do well.

The market for Thanksgiving turkeys is a big one, making them a great value-added product for a small farmer.

Rabbits are relatively easy-to-handle animals, but they require regular care, and their specific needs must be met. Of course, to get the meat or fur, you have to kill the animals, which may be a big turn-off for you. Easy Animals to Raise on the Small Farm Select the right animals to meet your expectations.

make money raising farm animals
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